Computational Complexity Rabbit Hole
These are the notes I have taken while spiralling down the rabbit hole of computational complexity theory. It is just so vast and is such a beautiful field in theoretical computer science.
What type of computational problems are there?
- Problems that take an infinite amount of time
- Can a different computation scheme help solve problems in this category?
- Quantum Computing
- Halting problem
- Given an infinite amount of programs can you tell if every single one of them will halt at some point?
- Can a different computation scheme help solve problems in this category?
- Problems that take a finite amount of time
- There are problems that can be solved in polynomial time (P)
Given a decision problem with yes or no, you can write a program that can output yes given a polynomial time O(n^k): n -> input size: k -> some arbitrary constant
- Since you can find a solution in polynomial time that also means your basically checking it in polynomial time so P is inside of NP (Non Deterministic)
The class that contains P is called NP (Non Deterministic)
- Any decision problem (not sure what other types) that is in NP can be checkedin Polynomial time
- most computational problems can be watered down to decision problems
- A non deterministic Turing Machine can solve it in polynomial time
- A non deterministic turing machine basically uses a lucky algorithm
- It guesses and it will basically always guess right in polynomial time
- A non deterministic turing machine basically uses a lucky algorithm
- Any decision problem (not sure what other types) that is in NP can be checkedin Polynomial time
- There are problems that can be solved in polynomial time (P)
- Why doesent P = EXPTIME?:
If we can prove that there exist problems that cannot be optimized into O(n^k) then we can say that EXP != P because if EXP = P then all EXP problems should be in P. - Time Hierarchy theorem: - for any reasonable function f there are problems which can be decided in O(f(n)) that cannot be decided in O(f(n)/n) - If thats the case, then there are problems that can be solved in time O(2^n) that cannot be solved in time O(2^n/n)
- every EXPTIME COMPLETE problem is not in P according to Time hierarchy theorem
Why can we prove that P != EXPTIME but we cant prove P != NP or NP != EXPTIME?