“Now what?” - Probably Bored Zeus
If I had the opportunity to not fail I would become God.
Engineering and Making Things is Fun.
If I had the opportunity to not fail I would become God.
Disclaimer: This PoW method might not be necessarily better but it is definitely another proof of work method lmao.
This was a pretty interesting problem from the 2009 north american computational linguistics olympiad and I have to say, I was quite surprised this was labeled as a “hard” problem. Not what I expected from a hard problem as I thought this was somwhere along the lines of easy and medium. I probably thought so because I solved the problem with relativly low effort. Oh well, the linguistic gods let me have this one lmao.
It is the 8th millennium and human civilization operates at a galactic level. Scattered across the cosmos are planets populated by different human species that arrived there thousands of years ago. According to the khardishev scale, this galactic civilization would rank on Type III. What does this have to do with the title of this article? You might be asking.
These are the notes I have taken while spiralling down the rabbit hole of computational complexity theory. It is just so vast and is such a beautiful field in theoretical computer science.
I really wanted to create my own cryptocurrency completely from scratch (releasing soon). So I had to reason from first principles in order to create a knowledge tree about everything from Ledgers, cryptographic hash functions to P2P architecure.
Question of interest: Given an integer n, find the sum of numbers from 1 to n.
The alexanders horned sphere is one of my most favorite mathematical structures and a picture of this structure will make for a good first post hehe. :()